This is Mompos.... a lazy river town.... old forgotten Colombia, deep in the swamps south of the Carribean coast. Getting here involved taking a bus, a boat, and then a collectivo (shared car,) a long trip. Getting away was even tougher.... We floated across a river in a van and then proceeded down dirt roads for more than four hours before finally hitting pavement. At one point we got stuck in mud and had to be pulled out by a bigger truck. Mompos seemed to be frozen in time, no doubt due in part to its isolation. Despite feeling a bit under the weather, Mompos was a great experience. Due to a slight fever, I hung back at our hostel while Lisa went out on the river in a boat.

Unfortunately, I lost a memory card with all my Mompos pics.... aside from what's above.... thats a shame, but I guess they weren't meant to be.... We lefty Mompos after two nights and headed back north to the coast, this time for Parque Nacional Tayrona. We spent a few nights in the park, sleeping in hammocks. Days were spent hiking and swimming.... a good time. Tayrona was beautiful, but man was it ever hot and muggy. It was impossible to feel clean unless you had water pouring over you.... still, it was worth it. I am grateful to now be sitting high up in the mountains where the air is cool.

Luxury hammock accomodations.... the others were without mosquito nets:
super cool!!! great photos as always. those hammocks look so nice. PS it feels the same way in baltimore right now - I feel dirty and sweaty unless i'm in the shower!